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The Cosmic Law of Attraction (LOA) is straightforward: whatever you put
your thoughts and attention on is what will be attracted to you.
The obvious but not-always-so-easy conclusion of that law is that you should keep your thoughts focused on what you want, not what you don't want.
Another way of saying it is that you use the energy of your thoughts to help create the life and health that you want. (It used to be called "The Power of Positive Thinking.")
The Cosmic Law of Attraction can sound kind of daunting, but it's really pretty simple.
To illustrate that, I'll use an example from my own life, to show that it's not anything esoteric or out of the ordinary. It's really just how we humans operate each and every day.
A while back, I developed a pain in my right knee. It continued for nearly a year, and was almost crippling sometimes.
For the first six months, I just wished and hoped that the pain would go away. Then, I went through a period of haphazardly seeking help, from physical therapy to $250 shoes.
After about 9 months, I got really serious about healing my knee. I wanted to be able to walk again! The steps I took illustrate the steps of the Cosmic Law of Attraction.
It's really important to remember that healing won't come through supernatural means--it will come through the regular mechanisms of the body and the actions of ourselves and others.
I didn't just wake up one morning with my knee magically fixed! That's not what the Cosmic Law of Attraction is saying. We have to do the groundwork in the manifest world! I had to go to the gym faithfully; I had to make the appointment with Jack and show up and have him work with me. The Law of Attraction brought me the means to my own healing--but I had to use them!
And of course, I am sure that my belief that I could and would be healed helped me achieve my goal, by activating the power of the mind-body connection.
Anyone can do this! We do similar things all the time! And, while I've been saying that it's not "magic," I believe that it's actually truer that it is magic--it's just that we're used to doing this kind of magic. We do it every day, without realizing how powerful and cool it is.
So if you have a health issue, I strongly encourage you to use the steps of the Cosmic Law of Attraction to help yourself.
Of course, with any health issue, it's important that you seek and follow the advice of a qualified medical professional. Use approaches such as this as a complement to, not a substitute for, regular medical care.
It's also important not to use the concepts of the Cosmic Law
of Attraction in a negative way--to blame ourselves or others for
illnesses. Sometimes things just happen to us. It's how we respond to
them that shapes and creates our lives. And while illness and disease
certainly represent an imbalance, the imbalance may have originated, for
example, in one's environment, rather than in one's own thoughts and
emotions. Don't ever take on the burden of believing that your health issues are your own fault. Just work with what life presents you and leave any judgement and blaming behind.
Really, the Cosmic Law of Attraction is every-day magic--the kind each
of us does all the time. But by being more conscious about using it, we
can shape our lives to be healthier and more joyful.
Learn the 4 Steps of using the LOA for wellness.
How do you apply the LOA when you have serious health issues?
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