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For example, have you ever been in a great mood, then spent time with someone sour and negative, only to find that your good mood has evaporated? You've probably taken on some of the energy of the negative person.
Usually it does not serve us well to absorb others' energies into our own auras (although there are exceptions).
Our auras can also harbor the energies of unwanted thought forms (such as negative self-images and negative self-talk) and unprocessed emotions. Drugs (prescribed or not) and even food can also taint the aura.
Any of these foreign energies can make our energy field less balanced, and can cause blockages to the natural flow of energy in our field.
When our auras are harboring unwanted energies, we may feel tired, down, unbalanced, depressed, anxious, "not quite ourselves," or even ill. We can clear our fields through various aura cleansing techniques.
Doing an aura cleansing should make us feel more vibrant, clearer, happier, more balanced--more "ourselves."
Expensive on-line psychics and energy healers may try to convince you that only THEY can help clear your field, but in almost all cases you can do it for yourself. It's not rocket science!
Imagine your body completely filled with white light. Visualize the white light purifying and restoring your body, and displacing any negative or foreign energy. Give yourself time to enjoy this feeling.
Expand the light beyond your body, as many times as necessary until it extends a foot or two beyond your body--or where-ever feels intuitively right. Visualize or feel it purifying and restoring your field, and displacing any negative or foreign energy, pushing it out into the universe, where it will be neutralized and reabsorbed into the cosmic field. Give yourself time to enjoy this feeling.
You can just carry one with you or wear it around your neck, or keep one at an altar or at the head of your bed.
If you're feeling the need for something more powerful, lie down and place the crystal on your brow, between your eyebrows and a little above. Relax, breathing deeply and comfortably, and imagine a white, purifying light emerging from the crystal and surrounding your body in white light.
Or, sweep the crystal repeatedly through your energy field, head to toe, with the intention that it will absorb any negative or foreign energies.
Always clean your crystals afterward by soaking them in salt water (preferably sea salt).
If you can't get out of the city, find a place that allows you access to sun and fresh air, such as a park or a roof-top. Breathe nature in, feel it moving through your field, and let it calm and refresh you.
In a fire-safe place, light the end of it and blow out any flame so that there are just a few embers burning and creating a small amount of smoke. Wave the smudge stick around your body from head to toe, allowing the sage smoke to purify your field.
It's common for burning bits of sage to fall to the ground, so be sure you do this in a safe place.
Sage is traditional, but other aromatic plants can work as well. I have lots of rosemary in my yard and feel a particular affinity to it, so I usually use that.
However, if your own efforts don't seem to be working for you, then you may want to contact an experienced, reputable energy healer or aura healing practitioner. Sometimes we all need a little outside help.
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Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life. You'll learn
to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth
activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback
or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.