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Relaxation techniques can do wonders for your health. Relaxation promotes balance, flow and harmony in your energy field. It clears your mind, balances your emotions and promotes physical wellness. In fact, de-stressing is one of the best things you can do for your overall well-being. Learning and regularly practicing some relaxation techniques is a fantastic investment in your quality of life.
Learn Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
Learn how to relax through meditation.
Learn how to use your breath to unwind.
Learn how to use essential oils (aromatherapy) to relax.
On an energetic level, being relaxed allows our energy to shift more easily to a state of healthy balance and flow and helps us be more open to intuitive information. On a physical level, it feels great and allows our bodies’ natural self-healing and restoration processes to work like they’re supposed to. On a mental level it allows us to think clearly and creatively.
Most of us think of R & R as a luxury. Something for vacation, or that spa visit we’re saving for. But it’s so much more than a luxury. In fact, I believe that it’s a necessity--so good for you that I wish there were a branch of medicine devoted to it.
It’s not that stress is all bad. A moderate, temporary amount can actually be good for you. And as we all know, at least some stress is involved in almost all good outcomes. Think of having children; getting a new job; starting something new. It seems almost necessary for growth and change.
Good stress like this is temporary and manageable.
The bad kind of stress feels overwhelming, and it doesn’t let up for days, weeks, months, even years. This ongoing, heavy tension is a contributor to many kinds of illness and disease, not to mention mental suffering.
Click here to see a list of some of the negative effects of "bad stress."
Relaxing, on the other hand, turns off our body’s response to stress — with remarkable benefits for our physical, mental, emotional, and energetic health. Here are some of the good things that it does for you:
See what I mean? It sounds like the secret key to health nirvana, a veritable fountain of youth.
Here are some tried and true ways you can learn to dial down tension and anxiety and
become calmer and more peaceful. Some of these relaxation techniques
are incredibly simple.
I bet you've got your own list of go-to techniques, too. Make a commitment to using them!
And as a side-note, if you're doing energy healing for other people, remember that, in our amped-up culture, just getting them to relax is one of the best treatments you can give them.
Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life. You'll learn
to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth
activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback
or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.