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I've had extreme vertigo for one month. Tests show nothing wrong. The doctors can't agree on a diagnosis, except anxiety. (I've gotten panic attacks because of it.) I do energy work, but it isn't helping. I can't even cook supper for my kids. I'm desperate and scared. I've helped many people but I can't seem to help myself. Any advice?
What really stands out to me is your statement "I've helped many people but I can't help myself."
I'm guessing you may have an imbalance between giving and receiving in your life. Pretty common for a mom of young kids, but I'm betting it goes beyond that. A giving-receiving imbalance is often based on fear: receiving help puts one in a vulnerable position. If so, this may be a major opportunity for you to rebalance that aspect of your life. I especially think this because vertigo represents such a basic, primal loss of control.
I have 30 years experience with a type of migraine called Vestibular migraine and panic attacks and anxiety are often auras for this kind of vertigo. Its generally treated as a form of migraine, which means that the reader could look into their food triggers. I have all but stopped having the attacks through diet alone, adding magnesium to my daily routine helped tremendously. I thought perhaps you could share this information with the reader, it may help quite a bit. Oh, and of course, over the counter, Bonine (meclizine)is a life saver in those moments when you feel like the world is ending.
Finally, keep reminding yourself that your condition isn't life-threatening, and that your body has a natural genius for healing itself.
Wishing you the highest good, Nancy
Here's some good medical info on vertigo.
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