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As you get more deeply into energy healing, it can be useful to develop hand sensitivity.
Below are two effective exercises to help you with developing hand sensitivity so that you can sense subtle energy better.
Most people's hands are highly sensitive. (Among other things, we have minor chakras in our hands.) I believe that everyone can learn to feel subtle energy with their hands. All you need is a little practice, and a willingness to suspend the cultural conditioning that tells us that the only thing that is "real" is physical matter.
It's often easiest to start developing hand sensitivity with your own energy, but you can also adapt it for doing with a partner. Ready? OK, here we go.
I can't always describe in words what it is I'm feeling, but the feelings are usually very definite. I want to stress that everyone interprets through different "filters," so everyone probably has different experiences.
To me, a person's energy might feel smooth, rough, full, empty, warm, cool, prickly, rubbery, buzzy, electric, painful, congested, fine, dense, imbued with light or color (although this is visual, I pick it up through feeling), dark, cloudy, pulsing, pulling, pushing, or a host of other things. Sometimes I feel imbalances in a person's energy. Some chakras may give me lots of "information," and others little at all. Sometimes I feel "releases" from the chakras or other areas of the field, like little puffs or even bumps against my palms. Sometimes as I work with a person's energy, I feel the quality of the energy change in intensity or quality, often increasing in what I might call smoothness, richness, dimension, or integration. And as I said, there are many things that I can't even describe in words.
But these are my sensations and my words. What you feel and how you describe it could be very different!
If you don't feel or sense anything, don't worry. Allow yourself to imagine that you are feeling something! This is a good way to unblock your perceptive abilities.
Also, know that if you think you feel something, you almost certainly are. Just trust that it's real, and know that with practice your sensitivity will grow.
And anyway, there are other ways to get a sense of what's going on with your energy. You might enjoy "Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life," the book that I wrote to help people realize that they don't need to be an experienced energy healer to influence their own energy, or to get a sense of what's going on with their energy. You can tell a lot about your energy just by looking at your life, because your energy is going to be reflected there. Chakra Care specifically looks at each of the chakras and how you can tell if they are thriving, or if they could use support and healing. Plus lots more.
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Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life
Learn to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.