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Today, when many people are looking for natural remedies, energy healing for illness is perhaps the most natural home remedy of all.
Because the immune system is so sensitive to thoughts, emotions, and subtle energies, energy healing for illness can be an extremely useful tool in strengthening your immune system, fighting colds, and speeding healing.
And because it uses nothing external, such as a medicine, there is absolutely no danger of any side effects.
Of course, always use good sense about when to contact your regular medical provider. Energy healing and all natural home remedies are meant to support, not replace, regular medical care.
In my experience, illness and injury often occur when there has been some injury or damage to our personal energy field.
I have had the experience of receiving an emotional wound, feeling my field rupture, and then feeling an all-too-familiar illness—pneumonia--enter my field. (Because I saw an excellent energy healer for the illness before it actually entered my physical body, I was able to keep itfrom catching hold in my body. Had I felt it in my physical body, I would have gone immediately to a medical doctor and taken the prescribed antibiotics.)
Energetic prevention is thus the first line of defense.
(Note: You don’t have to get too “mental” with this—in fact trying too hard usually gets in the way. Just set the intention to feel the energy, and then gently and easily allow yourself to feel whatever you feel. For some people, this will be more visual, for some more of a feeling. It could even come to you as words, sounds, taste, smell, or just a knowing. However, if it helps you to have a clear understanding of the system(s) you wish to work with, then by all means do the research. This website has pages on meridians and chakras, and links to good sites about the immune system.)
In our family, when we feel a cold or the flu coming on, we use Donna Eden’s technique of vigorously tapping the thymus. The thymus is one of the main organs of the immune system. By tapping it vigorously with the fingers of both hands, you are energetically "waking up" the immune system.
We usually follow this with some deep belly breathing, to help stimulate lymphatic flow. (A purely physical natural home remedy, but intention also plays a part, so there is an energetic component.
Even with the best energetic (and physical) self-care, our physical bodies sometimes get sick or injured. Here’s how to work with the energy to move the illness out of your field or to speed healing of an injury.
You may feel the desire to sleep, or to eat certain foods, or have some other strong sense of something that you should do. This is part of the healing, so follow your intuition.
The intention to heal is always the most important element, so don’t get too hung up on the details!
And don’t be discouraged if energy work for the illness doesn’t seem to have an impact. Energy healing has a much broader scope than physical remedies. Sometimes the healing may be on a different level than the physical body.
For example, the illness itself may hold an important message for us, such as telling us to slow down, or to make a change in our life. In that case, the “healing” might be gaining greater clarity or awareness about the changes we need to make in our life. In the long run, a healing on the non—physical level might have more of an impact than one on the physical level.
the illness or injury is serious, worsens instead of getting better, or
keeps hanging on—be sensible and see your regular medical provider!
Energy healing for illness is only
meant to complement conventional medical care.
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Interested in learning more about energy, energy healing, and the chakras? Try my book, Chakra Care: Do-It-Yourself Energy Healing for a More Joyful, Loving, Fruitful Life. You'll learn
to clear, nurture and support your chakras with 500 fun, down-to-earth
activities. A user-friendly, practical guide, available as a paperback
or Kindle. Learn more or buy it here.