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With a little practice, you can add energy healing for headaches to your home remedies "toolkit," relieving and often eliminating the pain. In my personal experience, energy healing can be very effective.
Holding your hand in the energy field around the head, you can often feel the energy of a headache. (Healing Touch practitioners often report feeling the pain spike of a migraine many feet away from the sufferer's physical body.)
It may feel hot, spiky, dense, painful (to the healer’s hand), throbbing, tingly, or "electric." The energy is often concentrated, excessive, and "stuck." Getting it to balance and flow can be very helpful.
Visualize pure white light channeling into your left hand, traveling to your right arm and hand, and filling the headache area.
Then, reverse the motion and move your right hand in a clockwise circle over the painful area to balance the area you’ve just cleared.
I hope that these techniques using energy healing for headaches are useful to you. One beautiful thing is that they can't hurt you!
And do be sure to call your medical doctor right away if you have unusual or extreme pain or any other concerns. Here's an excellent source for further reading about headaches, including danger signs you should watch out for.
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Image by Shanghai killer whale (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
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